For the text of this web-site is with the absence of the legal-advice. |
Breaking News: Watch BrainWashed The Movie, part 1 here. Here is a "toned-down" version of my latest Informed Consent with Vaccine Liability that removes the gold exchange, but maintains the other liability issues. Here is my latest Contract of Surety for Vaccine Liability (1 ounce, 10 ounces, 100 ounces) that works everywhere in the free world (those places with a functioning Rule of Law). With the knowledge you gain from this web-site, you should be able to figure out how this Conditional Acceptance Contract works. You will see from this contract that you DO NOT REFUSE, but you conditionally accept, thus you cannot be dimisssed for REFUSAL You are safe because Party A will never sign this contract (unless they are complete fools), thus, they lose by default (withdrawing their offer). Here are some Guidelines for the CVL. Earlier, here is what I am doing in Canada to Challenge Covid Mitigation Madness => https://files.secureserver.net/0fc9vfgcL0V8ac. I think this process should work anywhere in the world, thus it is worth a try. Here is what I am doing in Canada to deal with any future mandated vaccination: Click the link to download the ZIP file: Vaccine_Liability_Package.zip (273.8 KB) => https://files.secureserver.net/0sd3YxUiY1cFNW. I think this process should work anywhere in the world. If you plan to receive the CV-19 vaccine, then this package should help you get some payment for your participation. Here is a link to Amandha Voller's discussion with Sean Deodat about vaccines, offers, conditional acceptance, fee schedule, that she uses to resist the push from the psychopaths. Here is an excellent video about the criminal actions of the medical establishment, Alberta police, and the Canadian government. Here is a link to the Genetic Non-Discrimination Statute that "prohibits" any "person" from asking for "genetic test" information from any "individual". Interesting question...
Here is my latest find (very interesting) about who are "indigenous" people:
Another excellent summary of how the "illusion" works, and how to deal with it, is covered in Mary Croft's free book. Her book is recommended reading for all visitors. Furthermore, here is a link to an excellent series of articles on the subject from the Spiritual Economics Now network. Armed with the information freely available in this site, all British and American visitors are challenged to search their own laws and see how much of the data provided here applies to them in their country -- as well as all other western nations. Only by searching out the truth of the laws and your original rights and freedoms for yourselves, will you be empowered to protect your natural-person. For the USA, here is an excellent web-site that explains the cover-up of the true tax liability in the USA. Also, here is a link to a google video which discusses Deciphering the US Federal Income Tax. The US Federal Income Tax Officially Died on Tuesday March 27, 2007 at 13:53:58 Pacific Daylight Time. Thought for Canadians: Wouldn't it be a lot easier, for everyone, if the Canadian Government just followed the law instead of trying circumvent the law an an apparent attempt to hide the truth, about certain issues (such as native genocide, war support for weapons of mass destruction, true tax liability, North American Union, worthlessness of paper currency, coronavirus, etc.), from the Canadian people? The fastest way to lose the respect of your followers is to lie to them. "They must find it difficult ...Food for Thought: "For those with a closed mind, no explanation will suffice;Quote From the Bible: "Finally, receive your power from the Lord and from his mighty strength. Put on all the armor that God supplies. In this way you can take a stand against the devil's strategies. This is not a wrestling match against a human opponent. We are wrestling with rulers, authorities, the powers who govern this world of darkness, and spiritual forces that control evil in the heavenly world." [Ephesians 6:10-12 - GOD'S WORD Translation].
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